Meanwhile in the basement, the Christmas arsenal is ready...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my followers and supporters (direct and indirect) in this crazy pursuit of mine for the elusive master piece in visual arts! I may never attain my objective but, like many things in life, the reward is in the journey, not in the destination!
Note to self: "Going full circle: this is reminiscent of the evolution of a martial artist: a punch is just a punch, a punch is no longer just a punch, a punch is just a punch!"
Sub-note to self: "Interestingly, my last painting of 2008 featured highly saturated azo gold used both transparently and in full strength. I used ivory black ( I now use phtalo turquoise) and titanium white to obtain dark tones and highlights, respectively. The painting obtained a honorable mention. There is a lot of similarities in technique between the aforementioned painting and the one posted above... I think this is telling me something in terms of my future direction and what I need to do technically speaking to develop a distinctive pictorial vocabulary and language... all of this being in the spirit of expressionism. Being able to accommodate large formats remains important!"
Merry Christmas Ron :)
Have a great Holiday Season Amber!
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