Monday, May 25, 2009

End of race two - step III... still using thick paint, which is way outside my usual path!

Following my plan, I started with thicker paint than usual with the hope of building more textures before going for refinements. I'm not sure where this will lead me! I'm used to build things more gradually. I worry when I don't see the grain of the canvas!

After washing and cleaning up the car in an attempt to score brownie points with the muse while she is at work (and while I maintain an artistic life style at home!)... I looked at my Munsell color scale and slapped a couple of blues on the background before calling it a day... the anemic background was driving me nuts! It will still require some work but at least the figure is coming out in a bold fashion...

Now I'm ready for some serious work. I hope that this one, which started like a lion... will not finish like a mouse!

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