Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Charlevoix beach scene II - step IV... getting close to the finish line.

Some additional work on shadows and other small details should do it.

I find that my new emphasis on textures has increased my painting time partly because of the longer drying time. Working on more than one painting at a time should alleviate this problem.

With regard to subject matters, last October at my solo exhibition, I expressed the desire to do a series on "the muse in my art", pun intended ("the muse in my heart"). An additional 2-3 paintings should wrap this up. I also plan to initiate my Olympic 100 m series early February.


amber said...

Wow this is awesome!! Great lighting.
I haven't been blogging very much seems I'm reserving my energy--for what I'm not sure :))

Ron Gravel said...

Amber, looks like you have other fish to fry.
Thanks for the encouragement. I realize, I want freedom in my art and the use of the painting knife is a quantum leap in that direction. A picture from your last post (yourself using a painting knife)spoke 1000 words to me!