Thursday, September 10, 2009

A moment of weakness... I want to sell!

As I'm preparing to sell nothing at my October exhibition (75% of my paintings will be on foam boards), I've been showing signs of weakness...

As the tension builds up... I may even do a Buddha... shame on me!

Note: Now, I need to invite people who have recently vacationed in Cuba or the Dominican Republic... and my chance of finding a few is better "than snow ball in hell"... in Québec, that is!

Sub-note: In actuality, I'm a poor predictor of what can sell!


amber said...

Hey Ron
I wouldn't be so quick to say you won't sell I do that alot and my artist friends say "do the positive thinking and it will happen"
Say "I'm going to sell at least three"

I tried it, and it works
If i make a prediction ..I say the one on the left is gone...for sure!

Ron Gravel said...

Amber, I'm a real believer of this brand of positive thinking, i.e, imagining the desired outcome. RE the one on the left, I think the lesson provided by your own work is starting to sink in... next year, I'll be after higher contrasts and the use of more vibrant colors (doing away with the graying of colors, an influence from Chinese painting). I owe you one!

amber said...

hmmm well in that case i owe Van Gogh one :) and another and another lol

Ron Gravel said...

Amber, touché!