Still using heavier bodied paint, I ended up impatiently smearing 4-5 colors in different badly blended mixes all over the canvas until I got some recognizable shapes and forms, and the beginning of some unity... a far cry from my usual organized multilayered approach.

Initially, the surface looked like a war zone... but after a while the control freak in me took over. Fortunately, the final product is likely to show some signs of a struggle. Hope I can bring it to fruition without losing too much the character of the initial creative frenzy!
There is a sense of freedom when spreading colors intuitively without thinking to much . Hopefully, one day, my mind will be able to accept most of these initial results. A barrier for now is my incapacity to properly judge the value of colors mixed in a thick gel paste. The nature of acrylics does not help as they dry darker... and the gel has a slight whitening effect. I should premix colors normally and drag them into gel as a second step.
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