Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ultimate fighter XI post-mortem.... The glutton for punishment is back!

Not feeling like attempting another subject this week, I decided to learn something from my recent failure...

I applied major surgery to the back and readjusted everything else until I was half satisfied with proportions. I used a black and white photo to better assess improvements. Next step was to attempt "salvage therapy" with colors...

There was a price to pay for not arriving there fast. On the other hand, this one gave me the opportunity to experiment a little... so not all was lost!

Note to self: "The blurry effect I have achieved so far on raw canvas is less painterly than on primed canvas. Raw canvas naturally leads to a foggy blur as paint is absorbed by the canvas. I see an opportunity for 3 types of blur: through paint application (brush strokes, refraction), through wiping out paint and through deconstruction. I wouldn't mind having 3 streams of paintings for a while."

Subnote to self: "May be I should go for a few black and white paintings!"

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