With this 3rd wave, I'm slowly progressing towards maximum contrast, having slowed down to the pace of a turtle after the previous frenzy!

Another three 30 minute sprees, holding my breath, gave me this:

I need to stop since I'm getting blue in the face! I'm going for a finished product that looks unfinished... however, the middle background still needs to be resolved... need to think...
I was just lookiong at your beach slideshow paintings. They are awesome especially "Regard Maman"
and "Bernard l'ermite". That one is my favorite. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Seeing your post always makes my day!!
It would be a pity if you stop painting... mind you, there is always the art of life, in which, you seem to excel as well:)
Amber, with regard to the "bernard l'ermite" painting, it's an obsession of mine. The figure was done with pure azo gold (some of it transparent), pure black and a dirty white. The shoulder was done with 3 stokes. Part of me thinks that if I could duplicate this technique for all my paintings... I could rule the world:)
Amber, I meant 3 strokes...
Ha I know what you mean about the feeling of control, it IS an awesome thing.
I'd love to see spme of your work in person . If I ever get to Montreal I'll look you up
oh no that sven guy is really Amber(me) I'm on my husbands computer and I guess it's on automatic hehe
Thanks for such uplifting comments...I didn't mind sven88, he seems to be a baril of fun... great sense of humour!
Amber, on the notion of control any of your expressive work gives the impression of an unrestrained outpour of creative energy... yet everything seems to be falling in place as it should thus providing a strong sense of reality. Now, your process may be totally different...but I don't want to know about it :)
If you come to Montreal as an artist or with your family give me a hoot...
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