Friday, November 28, 2008

Sandbanks #5... third pass...

I was a bit more cautious about this third pass "casting the dye" on certain pivotal details in an attempt to avoid late difficult corrections... The last brush strokes should bring more spontaneity... which seems to be an oxymoron at the end of a rather systematic step by step painting approach!

Still need to bring some of the sky into the sand and the figure (note to myself!)... and clip the left wing of that bird!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sandbanks #5... establishing the mood of the scene...

I did a second pass quickly to establish a "viable" color scheme... somewhat in line with my initial plan.

The 3rd layer should bring everything together, figure included... if the gods are in my favour! This is a 22" X 28" canvas.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Beach painting series - Sandbanks #5, first pass...

Continuing my beach series experimentation, I decided to go with this scene with the intent of generating very high contrasts once again...and the torrid feel of a hot summer day. I am crossing my fingers as usual... never really knowing where I will eventually end up!

This is my first pass using my worst brush with the hope of retaining the most interesting brush strokes and patterns!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fund raiser update... suitable for framing!

A few weeks ago, I offered one of my paintings at a fund raising event dedicated to young hockey players. It was touching to receive this thank you card last night... in my view, an ample reward for a few brush strokes in support of a good cause!

I took some time yesterday to do a 4th pass at Buddha IV (24" X 30 " canvas). I kept it "rough on the edges" as an experiment. I wanted to avoid the perfect statue look susceptible to attract only Buddhist monks or those interested in Zen buddhism as customers! I am not sure to what extent I have succeeded...

On the basis of that experiment though, I have the opportunity to be more spontaneous and deliberate in my brush strokes in the future... and sooner than later, I hope!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Third pass at Buddha IV...

I slapped a sloppy third layer on this Buddha in a (desperate?) attempt to find avenues to make it more interesting. I need to build up on some of the "happy accidents". In the meantime, while creative ideas are simmering, I can always start working on textures... the "no brainer" part, where I excel...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Second exhibition...the Buddha is going to a private collection...

This was quite a memorable evening owing to Angélique Duruisseau, a powerhouse of a singer from Montreal who most certainly gave justice to Piaf's challenging repertoire going from "tour de chant" to "tour de force" in front of an appreciative crowd. My last Buddha went to my Tai Chi instructor who had narrowly missed the Buddha I presented at my recent October exhibition (another buyer got it).

Again, a big "thank you" to those who stopped by to take a closer look at my art. Your uplifting comments are always appreciated!

In closing, I would not want to miss the opportunity to thank the staff from the cultural center for their unbelievable support during the two exhibitions I held under their expert tutelage!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting ready for my second exhibition - a mini one, that is...

Three paintings to "prep" and I am ready for tonight. I will present 3 of my previous works and 2 newer ones. My intent is to show some variety while providing a glimpse of where I am going in the future.

The beach painting series (the painting on top of the easel is an example) represents for me an artistic breakthrough that will lead me to a more in-depth exploration of light and contrast with opaque acrylics. As a watercolorist, it took me 50 acrylic paintings to really feel comfortable using opaque titanium white. Now I am using it by the jar... to paint "wall to wall" light... while still restricting its use in color mixes and leveraging the white canvas whenever I can. When my acrylics start to look like my best watercolors... I will be a happy camper!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The universal use of the "sticky mixture"...a definite "may be"...

On the artistic side of my activities, yesterday, I spent most of my time varnishing. I wanted to do another experiment with the epoxy varnish (the sticky mixture I am referring to) but this time around over a pale textured surface with a matte finish (my first experiment was done over a darker non textured surface with a glossy finish - a school of fish from Kauai). Looks like this one will require another pour to obliterate the areas of tension caused by textures. My intent was to use the epoxy varnish with my recent beach series. My thinking now is that this type of super high gloss surface lends itself better to "aqua" environments. As such, the painting below qualifies as the varnish adds to the feeling of "wetness" (only my theory!)...

My next project with the "sticky mixture" will be the Hawaiian green turtles I did last year, a 30" X 40 " canvas. The title of the project will be: "how to double the price of a painting with 20 dollars worth of varnish". "Wishful thinking" you might add!

The second pass for the last Buddha:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A different kind of Buddha....

I got attracted by the patterns of light and shadows with this one. Facial features are a composite of a few Buddhas that caught my attention on the Internet...Here is the first pass.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Final Buddha-...pre-varnish...

This is the final Buddha, pre-varnish. I did not pay too much attention to the beads, but they seem to have fallen back in place for the most part. I went for more transparency with this painting so that it could generate its own light. So much for expressionism though...but for now at least, I can go on meditating about it!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Buddha...painted himself it seems...

Here is the pre-final pass. I did not have any preconceived ideas about its final look, hence the title of this post. Beyond some fine tuning of the beads, I would like to experiment with textures and varnishes with this one before I call it quit. I would not mind doing another Buddha before my exhibition a week from now...I have got some unused 22 X 28 canvases in the backburner.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Buddha...step four...

This is my fourth "prudent" pass at the Buddha focusing primarily on the face. One more session should do it...I hope.

With a wee bit of luck, this one should join the group of 5 paintings I will present Monday November 17th at the Edith Piaf concert in Pierrefonds. I figure a painting like this would be more "à propos" than warlike Touareg women...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Indian summer... last call!

...couldn't resist taking these pictures...during my final sprint getting ready for winter. Things could be worst...we're in November for God's sake!

A few additional "loosy goosy" strokes on the Buddha... I think the hat will need to be resolved in the same fashion as the face for uniformity...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Buddha...step two...

This Tuesday, I spent the greater part of the day outside to take advantage of the Indian summer. I did take 30 minutes or so to refine the Buddha's face though. I would like to go for a more painterly Buddha this time around...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Taking a break from "real painting"...the Buddha....

I decided to take a break from "real painting"... so the Buddha is coming the my emotional rescue! I am not sure where I am going with this one. I will soon find out...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Spot varnish: if it works for for me...

...took some free time today (in-between raking leaves) to do an experiment with another one of my infamous "collection of the artist" painting. I used both mat and high gloss varnishes in specific areas to create additional textures on this piece. The end result is evidently not the apotheosis of my artistic career...on the other hand, using varnish as a means to jazz up uninteresting surfaces (e.g., large black areas) does have potential with acrylics.