Monday, October 13, 2008

Experimenting with high gloss varnish....

I decided to revisit the large canvas using high gloss varnish to create a glass effect as if looking at the scene through sun glasses. I am not a big fan of gloss varnishes (my preference is satin varnish or no varnish at all), however, in the future, I would like to go in the direction of using different varnishes to create different textural effects, even on the same painting. I have one gallon of epoxy varnish in the "back burner" but I shied away from using the "sticky mixture" on this painting because of the textures I had already built on the piece. One thing is for sure, I want to produce an "epoxy" series but only with subject matters that will be complemented and enhanced by a high gloss/glass-like finish...sort of a "method in the madness" approach.

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