With this one (it's close to completion after a nose job), I applied a heavily textured underpainting using a painting knife and followed suit with my usual painting method....

... for the time being, this agrees more with me as it allows more control through the use of the brush. With the previous painting, I used the painting knife throughout and ended up with an organized despair. One year of using the painting knife for underpaintings will most probably lead me to a greater reliance on the painting knife. This is a highly desirable outcome for me, the reason being: I want speed but I also want to make it look like as if it were done over the course of a week... as opposed to a few hours!
My intent next year is to have two painting streams: one along the lines of the techniques that I have used so far (leveraging the canvas in the spirit of the non finito) and another one which will be totally experimental (leveraging the painting knife and textures). This is not unlike the two series that I will present at a duo exhibition in October.
Note to self: "Is my art a lie?"
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