I spent the greater part of the morning getting a monkey off my back. Last week, I received a notice from a collection agency requesting $15 k for a horse I never bought. The last time I rode a horse, I clenched my fist so hard holding the reins that I had tendinitis for a month. In other words, horseback riding is not my cup of tea. At any rate, looks like somebody with my name has been "horsing around"! Fortunately, the situation is now resolved!
Meanwhile, in anticipation of a future exhibition, I've been trying to find a way to dry mount my canvases on foam boards using masking tape and improvised plastic moldings (the kind used for trellises) to hold everything together.

Looks like this could be an elegant "temporary framing" avenue once I have my measurements down path! The next step is to paint these moldings black using an oil primer and black paint in a spray can...
My intent is to only stretch canvases from paintings that are bought and to rotate different paintings on the same foam boards from one exhibition to the other. In a nutshell, I'm trying to avoid ending up with enough wood to build a house after a few years of painting!
Encouraged by not having to go to court to defend my identity, I took another risky plunge this afternoon with this kid scene from Samana, trying to make them look real with a minimum of visual information... the only information I have anyway...

Note to self: "If I can't work with limited visual information... how can I work from my imagination?"
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