Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The use of spray paint in my recent works...

During the summertime, I reintroduced faces into my works for variety. When working with the human figure, I started amalgamating different contexts within the same painting to create some ambiguity and add interest (click on the image to visit my website)...

More recently, I started using spray paint as an effort to get closer to street artists and as a challenge...

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Latest works...

 The last few months have seen a variety of subjects even including a collaboration with my partner in crime Nicole who specializes in pouring techniques. I also started mixing acrylic modeling paste with acrylic gel to enhance colors one iota. By clicking on the image you will access these works on my Web site: 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Recent works...

My recent works still focus somewhat on textures, but a preoccupation for more colors is slowly manifesting itself... after a long monochromatic period...