Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ten days in alligator alley... love South-West Florida!

Still taking a break from painting to recharge my batteries. A stay in South-West Florida helped that cause! A special thank you to Norm and Johanne for having made their house available to us!This was a great stepping stone to visit the area...

Needless to say, I spent the greater part of our stay photographing "the Muse" and other sea shore creatures! We also zipped in and out of Miami to see the art of Jean Marc Calvet represented by the Americas Collection, a gallery supporting accomplished artists from Latin America. This gifted artist manages to disconnect the "rational mind" in favour of the "creative mind", literally opening the flood gate of creativity and letting it gush out like there is no tomorrow or as if his own life depended on it! Truly inspirational!

Time to gear up for some serious painting!

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