Monday, February 27, 2012

Femme de feu X - step I... Tackling the gravitational pull on a head leaning backward!

For the next 2-3 weeks, my painting time will be much more limited as the muse and I are starting a major house renovation project in the living room and dining room areas (sanding and varnishing floors, painting walls and ceilings).

Nonetheless, I may still have the time to expedite a few experiments. With this new painting (28 X 28), I want to apply textures with a roller on raw cotton/linen to see if I can emulated what I recently did on raw cotton...

Raw cotton/linen has a rougher surface, so it will be interesting to see the results. I'm really going for a certain image here as opposed to painting prowesses. My model was lying down and this had a major impact on her facial features!

Note to self: "The creation of visceral images using glazes and light textural effects is as important for me as the creation of works favouring paint application and heavier textures. For now, this mean two streams of works!"

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