Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ultimate fighter VII - final... Attracted by what's elusive!

Although I've been thinking too much for my liking while producing this one, the "elusive" image is definitely an avenue that I want to further explore...

These images can be made much more abstract by changing the point of view. I want to reintroduce bold textures in the future, but in doing so, I want to be selective and use them as "props" to detach the observer from the reality that I'm depicting...

Note to self: "My recent objective is likely to take more than a few paintings to achieve... so I'd better brace myself!"


Kathy Ostman-Magnusen said...


Ron Gravel said...

Thanks for stopping by Kathy... and we stand with you Dennis!

Daij said...

love your artwork!

Ron Gravel said...

Thanks for stopping by Daij. I checked your blogs... you are creatively alive!